Meet Schedule
2025 Final Schedule Downloads
Max Squad: Please note below each session is the max squad size for that session. If you have more athletes in that session they will be in split squads. Please plan accordingly for additional coaching staff that may be necessary.
2025 Charleston Cup Announcements
Thank you for being part of the 2025 Charleston Cup Invitational. We are very excited to have over 2,000 athletes from teams across the country competing at this years’ Cup. Following are some important reminders. Additional information regarding high school senior recognition, admissions tickets/prices and event finals qualification will be sent will be sent out and posted on the website by early January.
Scratches and Refunds
The scratch refund deadline date is December 8, 2024. Please continue to complete any scratches in the USA Gymnastics Reservation Site. Only scratches that have be done on the Reservation Site prior to December 8 will be eligible for refund. A final invoice/statement will be sent to all clubs by December 15th. If you have a balance due for additional athletes added you will need to pay for them with the online system. Statements will also show refund amounts for any scratch completed in the USA Reservation System prior to December 8, 2024. Refund checks will be mailed no later than January 15th to the club address on file. As of this date we can only accept level changes or additions on a space available basis. If you need to change a level or add a gymnast, please email us with the information and we will let you know if we are able to complete your request. Please email to Charlestoncup@gmail.com (Subject: CC Level change or addition).
Hotel Accommodations
If you have not already made your hotel reservations, please do so as soon as possible. The special Charleston Cup rates at all our host hotels are good until January 15, 2025. Once the block is filled it is usually very difficult to get additional rooms at that rate.
Commemorative Leotards
Immediately after the December 8th Scratch Deadline, gyms will receive a link to the Ozone Leotard Order Form for the final list of athletes on your roster. Please make sure that you use the provided sizing information that will be included in the link. Ozone leotards tend to run a bit smaller than other companies and we will not be able to change or exchange sizes. Please make sure you complete this order form no later than December 20, 2024 to ensure sufficient shipping time. Leotards will be shipped directly from Ozone Leotards to your Club mailing address.